Category: Amateurs Assemble
3 amateur comic nerds assemble to deep dive into the world of comic books!
Amateurs Assemble! Episode 8
The amateurs gather to finish off Jason Aaron’s Jane Foster Thor run!
Amateurs Assemble episode 7
e expert friends and amateur comic nerds gather to discuss Jason Aaron’s Thor: Goddess of thunder.
Amateurs Assemble episode 6
The amateurs gather to deep dive into Jason Aaron’s Thor: God of thunder issues 1-5
Amateurs Assemble episode 5
We review and discuss Robert Morales’ 2003 limited run of “Truth: Red, White and Black” aka the Black Captain America series.
Amateurs Assemble! Episode 4
Three expert friend’s and amateur comic book nerds gather to finish up their analysis of Ed Brubaker’s Captain America run, featuring issues 34-42 and a discussion on the MCU shows we’ve seen thus far.
Amateurs Assemble episode 3
The Amateurs review and discuss The Death of Captain America issues 25-33 in Ed Brubaker’s Captain America run.
Amateurs Assemble Episode 2
Three expert friends and amateur comic book nerds jump in to review issues 8, and 11-13 of Ed Brubaker’s Captain America: The Winter soldier run. Join us as we explore these issues and deep dive into the mysteries of the cosmic cube!
Amateurs Assemble! episode 1
The amateur crew gathers to start their deep dive into Ed Breubaker’s Captain America/Winter Soldier run!